Lo stabilimento

Latteria Sociale Stallone processes 200,000 quintals of milk and produces a total of about 35,000 Grana Padano DOP cheeses per year, all of which are matured at its premises. Every day, therefore, 95 wheels of Grana Padano cheese are produced, which are added to the 26 thousand wheels that mature slowly in the warehouse before being put on the market.

Some operations have been automated: for example, a temperature-controlled wheel turning plant has been built and the salting rooms have been expanded to allow the full potential of the outcrops to be exploited through a computerised system. In the room of the 28 boilers, a “bassoon holder” has also been installed, an automated robot to manage the shapes just taken from the boilers.

The actual processing of the cheese, however, as provided for in the Grana Padano PDO production regulations, has not changed and always requires the hand of the cheesemaker who decides the cooking time in the large copper boilers and ends with the extraction of the mass that is tied and put into the bands to give it its typical shape.

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